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Archangel Raphael- Angelic & Planetary Symbols

Archangel Raphael

Artist Unknown
Public Domain Image.

Raphael, Archangel. Standard Hebrew, "God has healed", "God Heals", "God, Please Heal", and many other combinations of the two words. An Archangel of Judaism and Christianity, who performs all manner of healing. The Hebrew word for a doctor of medicine is Rophe connected to the same root word as Raphael. Raphael is sometimes shown (usually on medallions) as standing atop a large fish or holding a caught fish at the end of a line.

Appears as a young man dressed in a flowing yellow cloak and bodice. Also, as with the Greek God Hermes, wears winged hat and sandals. He carry's a caduceus.(The Pillars of Tubal-Cain p256. - Nigel Jackson & Michael Howard, Capall Bann Publishing. UK. 2003).

Remember Angels are personal to you and tend to correspond to your mental image of them.

Morning Star
The magiciam
The Lovers The Hermit

The Tarot Card related to the Archangel Raphael and the planet Mercury is the Magician or Magus (I), The Lovers (VI) and the Hermit (VIIII)

The Magician symbolises the true power of magic, the ability to cause and influence events. The Lover card is governed by Thoth, hermes and mecury, each signifying the power of mentality. The hermit re[resents a search, a search for the soul. (The Prediction Book of The Tarot. - page 68,82 & 91- Madeline Montalban. Javelin Books UK. 1986.)

Raphaels Symbol
Archangel Raphael's symbol consists seal consists of a crescent
moon with a small star above it.
Kabbalistic sign of Raphael
The Kabbalistic sign for the Archangel Raphael and the planet Mercury.
Kabbalistic Signs for Mercury
The Kabbalistic sign for Mercury, indicated above right, has had a number of variations. To the left are some of the alternative symbiols used for the planet in the past.
Geomantic Symbol (Gemini)
Geomantic Symbol (Virgo)
Sign of the Planet
Sign of the Planet ( Mercury)
Seal of Mercury

Character or Seal
of Mercury

Sign of the Demon of mercury
Taphthartharath - Sign of the Demon of Mercury

Astrological Sign for Mercury

Astrological Sign of the Mercury

Astrological Sign for Gemini

Astrological Sign for Virgo

Astrological Sign
Gemini & Virgo

Ophiel Olympic Spirit Mercury
The Olympic Spirit of the Mercury - Ophiel
Tiriel Sign of the Spirit of mercury

The Sign of the Spirit of Mercury - Tiriel.


Hebre Letter Beth
Hebrew Letter



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