Magical Tools
Archangel Correspondence Magical Studies Magical Tools Student Area

Angelic Tools and Related Information 
Comprehensive List of Magical Grimoires  
Compounding Incense.  
The Dangers of Incense Smoke.  
Magical Talismans of the Pauline Art.  
Magical Weapons.  
Moon Calculator  
Astrological Calculators  
Numerology Calculator  


Calculating Ritual Elections. - The Astrological rules for Successful Ritual Magick

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This eBook is not concerned with Electoral Astrology per say, but the astrological aspects that should be considered when performing Magickal Rituals, Talismanic Magick, or Astrological Magick. It is also not concerned with the actual performance of the Ritual or the creation of a particular Talisman, but the most propitious time to perform the Ritual or create the Talisman. In effect this eBook is concerned with the instructions for performing Magickal operations as indicated in many of the Medieval Grimoires, and hopefully I will have clarified and simplified these methods.

So what is this work about? Well I am not proficient in Astrology, first point. Secondly, I have always found it confusing when reading the ancient Grimoires when searching for the most auspicious time to perform a particular rite, or create a particular Talisman, and finally I have no aptitude in interpreting astrological charts. So I decided to try to simplify it all for me (and now you). So here is my offering, I hope it will help you to make sense of any Astrological requirements you may come across in your path working. To stay true to Medieval Astrology I have extensively use the Grimoires of Agrippa, and King Solomon, to name just two.

I have also included information on the power of your Natal Sun and Natal Moon, when aligned to the New Moon phases and how this may assist your ritual Magick operations.

Finally, as I do not own any particular Astrological software, except “Freeware” I have listed software which is available, both online and computer, which you should also find of help.

Peter Hilton

For more information refer to Archans website




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The Book of Flowers and Stones (10th Book in the initiation path series). Although included in the initiation series, this delightful book is an ideal stand-alone working with plants, herbs, incense and oils and also as a valuable Angelic reference text. Covering only those plants. herbs and and stones, that are aligned to the Archangels thus eliminating the need to search through multiple listing of plants to find the correct one for your needs for a particular Archangel incence or oil. Instruction on how to establish your own Angelic Garden, which is aligned to your Guardian Angels, by the use of plants, stones images, and the inclusion of traditional elements. How to make powerful Angelic incense and oils, special planetary incense for general use. A complete woks covering the Angelic Art.

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