Archangel and Angel Correspondances The Astrological Correspondences for Earth
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The Astrological Correspondences for the Earth
Astrological Correspondences:
Astrological Table: Earth.
Astrological Dates: Full Year.
Astrological Symbol: See above.
Element: Earth.
Mode: Not identified.
Astrological Plant/Herbs: Not identified.
Tree: Not identified.
Metal: Iron.
Power(Gems): Diamond.
Gems: Quartz.
Colour: Brown.
Number: Not identified.
Day: Not identified.
Season: Not identified.
Tarot Card: The World (XXI).
God/Godess: Not identified.
Animal: Not identified.
Bird: Not identified
Symbolic Creature: Not identified.
Anatomy Governed: Not identified.
Body System: Not identified.
Incense: Not identified.
Scents/Oils: Not identified.
Harmonious Signs: Not identified.
Geomantic Number: Not identified.
Geomantic Rules: Not identified
Zodiac Sign: The Milky Way
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