Archangel and Angel Correspondances The Archangel Metatron - The Planet Earth - Kabbalistic Correspondances
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The Archangel Metatron - The Planet Earth - Kabbalistic Correspondances

Kabbalistic Correspondences:

Angelic Order: Chaioth ha Qadesh.
Order of Angels: Holy Living Creatures
Chief of Angels: Not identified.
Archangel: Metatron or Methattron -Angel of the Presence.
Biblical Name of God: Eheieh.
Personal Dedication: I am.
Spiritual Experience: Union with God
Sefirothic Form: Profile of an Old Man.
Sefira/Sephira: Kether.
Sephira Meaning: Crown.
Pronunciation: Keter.
Sub Creature: Not identified.
Element: Earth.
Planet: Rashith ha Gilgalim (first swirlings, the Big Bang) - Earth.
Colour: Brilliant White.
Number: 1.
Symbol: Crown.
Illusion: Attainment.
Virtue: Attainment.
Spiritual Experience:
Union with God.
Tarot: The four aces.
Gem: Diamond.
Magical Weapons: Swastika, Crown and Lamp.
Perfume: Anbergris.
Plants: Almond in Flower.
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