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Archangels & Angels (A&A) Website, are here forth referred to as The Site/Company which recognizes that it has a commitment to safeguarding consumer privacy on The Site/Company website. We therefore wish to fully comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) and other International Data Protection Standards and therefore we will not request any personal information unless it to be used in processing a Book or Product order, for which you have requested.
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Student Registration
Registered student: A student, who is registered with The Order Lux Lucis of Rose (The Order of the Light of the Rose), for the purposes of study.

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Oils, Incense Potions, Inks and Concoctions:
Any oils, incenses, potion, ink or concoction sold through The Site/Company are all made from natural ingredients. Many of the ingredients in the oils and incenses are actually used in medical ointments and lotions however under (European Economic Community) EEC regulations oils, incenses and other concoctions are classed as an 'untested' substance and therefore we must advise the following precautions.

We provide traditional, genuine magical oils & incense formulated from ancient recipes and these are supplied for selective, irregular, non-habitual usage over limited periods of time. We do not include any known toxic ingredients, unless specifically stated, in any of our oils or incenses, however, any customer who may be asthmatic or who have breathing problems are advised against using all forms of smoke generating compounds.

As for oils, incenses or any product which may come into contact with your skin we are required to provide the following statement:

“Purchasers with very sensitive skin or allergies should avoid excessive use of our oils and incenses which in some formulations contain powerful natural oils and resins which may irritate sensitive skin. If you are so sensitive then after contact with skin wash immediately with plenty of soap. Do not take internally; if swallowed seek medical advice and show containers and labels. Avoid putting magical oils close to or into your eyes. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and if necessary seek medical advice. Keep out of the Reach of Children. Ritual oils are designated only for ritual use. Where possible we do try to source organically grown herbs, leaves and seeds. This cannot be totally guaranteed. Oils and perfumes have not been tested on animals.”

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Angelus Veneficus

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