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Egyptian Angels

It is extremely difficult to identify the exact Egyptian God to the Archangels. The reason being that the Egyptians had God for may every day activities, all animals and human drives; they also detailed male and female Gods for similar ruling domains. To complicate matters further the crescent moon has a different personality from the full moon, and the planet Venus in the morning (morning star) is not the same as in the evening (evening star).  As an example Atum was the sun, Ra, but in his evening aspect

In the Pauline Art Archangels are neither male or female, they appear to the petitioners mental impression of them. It is usual for the Archangels to appear as female to male petitioners and male to female petitioners.

Therefore the list below has been compiled from the Egyptian God primary function or dominion, and the seven Archangels of the ancient world governance matched to these descriptions.

The list below is not exhaustive all the Egyptian God and is intended to guide the reader to the appropriate Egyptian God / Archangel

Egyptian God Symbolises
Related Archangel

Aah One of the names for the God of the Moon. he wears a symbol of the Moon, a combination of Full and crescent Moon .

Amun & Amun-Ra Amun also spelt Amon, Amoun, Amen and Imen.

Anhur ( Anhert, Onouris and Onuris) A warrior who was invoked against both human and animal enemies. The personification of War. He was regarded as the creative powers of the Sun, but this is juxtaposed to his war like attributes.

Anubis (Anpu) The jackal head God. He conducted the dead to judgment with the God Thoth.

Aten A Sun God under the Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Atum (Tum or Tem) The evening aspect of the Sun God RA.

Auf ( Efu and Ra) An aspect of the Sun God Ra. The Ram Headed God who wears a Solar disk..

Geb Geb united with his sister Nut. Geb is the representative of an Earth God.

Hathor (Athor) Hathour, daughter of Ra, considered an aspect of Isis. Sometimes mother, sometimes wife to Horus.

Heket Goddess of childbirth, fertility and love.

Horus God of the Sun, son of Osiris and Isis. Represented with the head of an hawk.

Isis (Aset or Eset) The Goddess of fertility, the sister and wife of Osiris. Also the Goddess of love and childbirth.

Khons ( Khonsu, Khensu or Khuns) Son of Amun and Mut. The God of the Moon.

Meskhenet Goddess of childbirth.

Nekhbet Goddess of childbirth.

Nepthys Referred to as a ferocious and dangerous divinity.

Nut Goddess of the heavens and sky. Consort to Geb.

Osiris (Marduck, Berber or Woser) God of the underworld. Son of Geb and Nut.

Ra God of the Sun. Son off Nut. Represented as as a man with the head of a hawk which is crowned with a solar dik and uraeus.

Sekhmet Goddess of lust and passion.

Seshat Goddess of writing, letters and archives. The female side of Thoth.

Set ( Seth or Seti) God of darkness or evil. Brother and enemy of Osiris.

Thoth (Tehuti or Thout) God of wisdom and magic.The scribe of the Gods.



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