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Condensed Angelic Correspondences - Day, Dominion and Colour

The Book of Rulerships - The Powers of the Archangels
One of the most complexed and confusing decisions a student of the magickal art is faced with, concerns the question; what archangel or planet rules what? As an example I have a problem with my teeth, what power should I approach? I have a legal problem which archangel has rulership over this matter? One additional complication is that certain dominions/rulerships may be shared. If so which power should I use?
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Gabriel - Monday is ideal for dealing with problems related to the family, women’s issues and particularly all things connected with motherhood.

Dominion over: Navigation, ocean voyages, maritime trade, motherhood, fertility, children, the home, domestic issues and starting new ventures.

Ideal colours to wear: White, Silver, Cream, Grey.

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Samael - Tuesday to deal with issues of courage, military matters and sports issues.

Dominion over: Police matters, war, sports, engineering, machinery, male sexuality, surgery, physical strength, courage, protection and help in overthrowing enemies.

Ideal colours to wear: Red and Orange.

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Raphael – On Wednesday's tackle issues relating to communications and writing.

Dominion over: Road, rail, or air travel, commerce, healing, the media, mathematics, science, industry, intelligence, eloquence and prophesy.

Ideal colours to wear: Yellow, Violets, and Opalescent Shades.

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Sachiel – During Thursday's address issue of Luck ( the Wheel of Fortune) growth and expansion.

Domain over: Power, legal and commercial transactions, financial speculation and the acquisition of wealth.

Ideal colours to wear: Purple and Royal Blue.

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Anael - Friday is the time to attend to issues of love and romance.

Domain over: Pleasure, Love, courtship, marriage, business and personal partnerships, beauty, friendship, harmony, luxury, music and pleasure.

Ideal colours to wear: Pink, Aqua, Greens, Pastels.

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Cassiel – For Saturday address matters concerning the land, farming and old age.

Dominion over: Business, politics, property deals, agriculture, mining, archaeology, building, morality and responsibility.

Ideal colours to wear:
Black, Dark Grey, Indigo.

See Full Correspondence listingClick here

Michael - Sunday, Matters concerning success, new ventures, jobs and worldly ambitions.

Dominion over: Knowledge, Leadership, Nobility, leadership, career, the law, banking, fatherhood, performing arts, self confidence, health, virility, friendship, divination, to dissolve feelings of hostility, active change and advancement.

Ideal colours to wear: Yellow, Gold or White.

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