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Practitioners of the Pauline Art

Those who had more than a passing interesting in the Angelic Arts, Those who communicated with Angels. This is not a exhaustive, but lists some of the main proponents of Angelic Magic:

John Dee - (1527 – 1608 or 1609)
Born 13 July 1527 – 1608 or1609). An English and occultist who consulted to to Queen Elizabeth I. His life revolved around to alchemy and divination, it was only later in life that he began to study Hermetic philosophy.

He sought to contact Angels through the use of a scryer (Edward Kelly) who acted as an intermediary between Dee and the Angels he contacted. Many of Dee’s works are reputed to have been dictated by the Angels in a unique angelic language,. Later named Enochian language by the members of the Golden Dawn Magical Society.

Emmanuel Swedenborg - (1688 – 1772)
Born, February 8, 1688 – March 29, 1772). Swedenborg was a Swedish, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian.

His life from 1747 until his death in 1772 was spent in Stockholm, Holland, and London. producing some 18 theological works, of which the best known was Heaven and Hell (1758), and several unpublished theological works.

He claimed that the Lord had opened his eyes, so that from then on he could freely visit heaven and hell, and talk with Angels, Demons, and other Spirits.

Frederick Hockley - (1808 – 1885)
Born November 1808 - 885. A British occultist who was a member of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. He was considered an adept for his work before entering the Society, to some extent this was achieved by his expertise in utilising Magic mirrors and Crystals, which he was proficient with, from the age of 16.

He was a pupil of Francis Barrett, the author of The Magus and it is interesting to note that his communication with the angelic forces was though a pure rock crystal, as did Dee, which he consecrated by invoking a “Guardian Angel” who he wished to become the Guardian of the Crystal, and to prevent evil spirits from appearing. Here he appeared to use the elements of the Ars Paulina, another part of the Lesser Key of Solomon, which also deals with skrying Angels in a Crystal ball.

Aleister Crowley – (1875 – 1947)
Born, 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947. A British occultist, mountaineer and poet. He was an influential member in the Golden Dawn, and eventually formed his own magical order, the A.A or Silver Star. From a Pauline Art perspective it is interesting to note the relevance adopting the use of Star. He is also best known for his publication The Book of the Law and the Equinox. From a magical perspective Crowley experimented, in a half-hearted fashion, with the works described in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This magical system became the central technique in Crowley's system, that of attaining the "the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel".


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