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The Seven Heights & Seven Angels

According to the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses each planet has Seven Heights and Seven Angels. This is indicated by the statement :

" King Solomon teaches a hidden Almadel [Salomons Almadel Art - ARS ALMADEL SALOMONIS]
or a Geometrical figure bearing upon the twelve signs of heaven [the astroloical signs of the zodiac], which he calls heights, and gives to each height seven or eight names of princes. There are also many other methods for seeking after the powers of heaven in the twelve signs, which, for good reasons, must not be made known, be­cause they are not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures and were kept secret."

The heights are recorded as:

1. Samaym. 2. Raaquin. 3. Taaquin. 4. Machonon. 5. Mathey. 6. Sebul. 7. Arabat.

Of the operations of these, and their angels, office, order, number and measure, an account may be found in a work by Rasiel, [ Raziel? ] which constitutes the Sixth Book Physicum Salomonis and Elementia Magica Petri de Alano, page 574. From this book of the angel Tractatu takes its source. (2 Cornel. Agrippa, Lib. 3, page 24; Philosophiae Occult, 377, 575.)

There are seven exalted Throne Angels, which execute the commands of Potestates [Powers]:

1. Ophaniei. 2. Tychagara. 3. Barael. 4. Quelamia. 5. Ana- zimur. 6. Paschar. 7. Boel.

The fist heaven , these are named with the name of god, through which they were created.
Schamaym Gabriel.

The second heaven, Raaquinae, has twelve lords, or twelve heights of angels, who are placed over all. Zachariel, Raphael.

The third heaven, Saaquin, has three princes, Jabniel, Rabacyel, Dalquiel; they rule over fire, and each has his subordinate angel. The principle prince of angels in this height in called Anahel, Avahel.

The fourth heaven, Machon, by his angels leads the sun by day, and through other angels by night. The chief angel is called Michael.

The fifth heaven, Matthey, aly Machon, has the prince Samel who is served by two millions of angels. These are divided among the four quarters of the world; in each quarter three, who control the twelve months, and over these are twelve chief angels.

The sixth heaven, Zebul, has for its prince, Zachiel, with two millions of angels. The angel Zebul is placed over these during the day, and another angel, Sabath, during the night. They rule over kings, create fear, and give protection from enemies.

The seventh heaven, Arabath, has for its prince the angel Cassiel.

The names of the seven planets are as follows:

Zaphiel (Saturn), Zadkiel (Jupiter), Camael (Mars), Raphael (Sun), Haniel (Venus),
Michael (Mercury), Gabriel (Moon).

[Cassiel (Saturn, Sachiel (Jupiter), Samael (Mars) and Anael(Venus]

There are seven princes who stand continually before God, to whom are given the spirit-names of the planets. They are called:

Sabathiel, Zedekiel, Madimiel, Semeliel, or Semishia, Noahel, Coahabiath or Cochabiel,
Jareahel or Jevanael.

[For] the planets are called for themselves:

      • Sabachay, through which God sends hunger and tribulation upon the earth.
      • Sodeck, through him come honor and favor, right and holiness of man.
      • Modym, through him wrath, hate, lies, and war.
      • Hamnia, from him comes light, and the power of distinguishing between time and life.
      • Noga, from him food and drink, love and consolation.
      • Cochab, from him proceeds all trade and commerce.
      • Lavahan, causes al things to increase and decrease.

Notes in brackets [ ] are by the Archan Editor.


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