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The Seven Traditional Planets

The 7 Traditional Planets of the ancients. You must remember that Neptune, Pluto and Uranus had not been discovered, as the ancient magi did not have the necessary astronomical equipment. However the Archangels who are now associated with those planets where know.

The day associated with the Sun is, of course, Sunday and the image and feel of the Sun's rays is the personification of fire. Under the Sun we experience a feeling of well being and contentment ( for those who reside in the the cold, darker countries, that is, therefore the Sun is subconsciously linked to good health and success. The association to success and wealth is further confirmed by the Suns metal, Gold and its corresponding colour Orange.

So the Sun has rulership over health, vitality, ego, the heart, creativity, power and success, leadership, friendship and advancement. From a negative perspective the Sun is linked to pride, arrogance and bigotry.

The Archangel who has rulership over the Sun is the Archangel Michael.

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Monday is the Moon's day, and the days powers are greatly enhance when a New Moon fall on a Monday. The planet is traditionally associated with emotions and intuition, with Monday being its special day. The Moon is also associated with the element of water and Cancer the Crab, a water living creature.The colour's of the Moon are white and silver, which is represented in the metal silver, which emulates the light of the moon.

The Moon has rulership over clairvoyance, sleep, psychic dreams, emotions, astral travel, imagination and secrets, women's mysteries, fertility and reincarnation. The main negative attribute is delusion.

The Archangel who has rulership over the Moon - Gabriel.

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Another planet associated with the element of Fire and the colour red which is also associated with the human traits of anger and frustration

Every schoolboy know that Mars is the planet of War and therefore has rulership over destruction through violence. Tuesday is the day of Mars. Naturally, Iron is the metal of the planet, the metal which is used in the manufacture of weapons.

Mars rules male sexuality, strength, lust, destruction, medical issues and surgery, competition, conflict and sports. From a negative perspective violence and anger.

The Archangel of the planet Mars - Samael

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Mercury is within the element of Air and element associated with the mind and our ability to think, perceive and communicate. It is therefore not surprising that Mercury also has rulership over all forms and aspects of communication.

Mercury rules communication, intellect, business, writing, contracts, information of all kinds, creativity, science and memory. From a negative perspective Mercury is associated with dishonesty and deception.

The Archangel of the planet Mercury - Raphael.

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Jupiter the bringer of good fortune and luck. Tradition tells us that tin is the meatl of the planet and colour is purple. Thursday is Jupiter's day.

Jupiter rules success, abundance, money, growth, parties, visions and gambling. His negative side is greed and wastefulness.

The Archangel of the planet Jupiter - Sachiel.

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Rule Friday and is the planet of love. Copper is the metal of the planet as the copper has the ability to generate a green coating called Verdigrease, or Acetite Of Copper.
Venus is also closely associated with the Earth Mother concept

Venus rules love, pleasure, female sexuality, the arts and music, beauty, luxury and social affairs. From a negative perspective Venus has dominion over includes lechery, coldness and isolation.

The Archangel of the planet Venus - Anael.

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The last of the planets is Saturn, old father time. The associated colour is black and the metal is lead. The day of Saturn is naturally Saturday (Saturn's Day). Associated with old age but surprisingly also gardening and agricultural the ancient deity of sowing and harvesting, fertility, peace and plenty. Reputed to be the angel of death.

Saturn rules gaining the astral plane, real estate, banking, obstacles and limitations, secret knowledge, time and discipline. The negative side to Saturn is oppression and pain.
The Archangel of the planet Saturn - Cassiel

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